utorak, 30. travnja 2013.

Split nightlife

OK, you came to Split and want a good time. It's easy to find the name of the club but is it worth coming there? Whats interesting and whats a waste of time? I'll give my personal opinion for some club you could give a try.
Split night life isn't much. You probably won't party hard if you're not in the maximum party mood. Split people are layed back and wont rock the dance floor, and they generaly like geting out late. Trying to have a good time before 12:00PM is hard.
The hot spots in Split that you will probably get directed to are:
ST Riva
F caffe

There are a lot more little cafe bars that get active on summer but these are probably the most visited ones by locals or tourists.

My first pick for a young toursit group wanting to get down is Bacvice beach. It has a a little complex building with lots of little clubs in it. The main ones are Bacvice club (duuuh..) and Tropico club.  Bacvice has an open terrace and a coctail bar. Its mostly populated by tourists. Electro, house, regular party stuff by the DJ.Its active every night during the summer. Tropico probably gets more locals.And its closed(although when it opens all the windows, its like in the open.

If you are going out early you should visit the town center and the main Split promenade Riva.
There you will find ST Riva and F caffe that can have the habit of turning the speakers up a little. Coctail bars can be found and a good warm up place.On the down side they are running until 11-12 PM.

If you go to the car ferry you will probably see Imperium. It is a new place in Split so i really don't know how it will be during the summer but you can give it a shot if you are walking to Bacvice.
If you are going further East you will walk by O'Hara. 2 level club that mostly plays Rock and Trash music. Near them is Hedonist.Its more of a classy place to go to,and 95% locals.

The two places you will probably need to take a taxi to is vanila and Hemingway. Vanilla is probably the most active and known nightlife in Split  at the moment. It is also active in the summer. A lot of locals there due to the fact that it's not really in walking distance from the center.Also a place where the crowd doesnt sow up until 1AM minimum.
 During the rest of the year Hemingwey is more of a young people place. So i really don't know what will they do doring the summer. I had some good times here, but not recently.YOu can give it a visit if you are coming to Vanilla(its probably 300 m from it)

As you can see, most clubs are grouped. You can have fun in the center of the city but it will last until 11-12 PM.Taxi i Split is expensive(at least for locals). It will cost you about 50 kn in one direction minimum. You won't get cheaper if you bargin with the driver( you will probably get a 200kn price if you ask, so be sure he turns on the taximeter)
I made a little map for you with all the clubs in it so you know what im talking about:

You can check some photos frome these places at http://www.nightlife.hr/galerije/.

If you want to know about the beaches i made a small map and review of all the beches in Split:

BTW. Donate to the writers by clickin on an add.

ponedjeljak, 22. travnja 2013.

Velike politcke stranke, da li nam tribaju?

iskustvo ili mladenacka ambicija?

HDZ ili SDP? Mozda HNS ili HSS? HDSB, HSU,HGS, H ovo H ono... Sta se bira?
nedavno citam kako su neki biraci razocarani vladajucom strankom, a buduci da ih je ona prosla isto razljutila odlucili su ne glasat sljedeci put.
Pa se zamislia? I skuzim zasto je kako je. Pa ljudi su idioti. Jednostavno. Nista komplicirano.

Zar su te dvije stranke jedine stranke u drzavi? Sta oni su najmnogobrojniji pa eto oni ce vjerojatno dobiti izbor pa tako da ili ce nas jebat prva ili ce nas jebat druga!
ne triba nas prcat ni jedna ni druga, jel ima puno vise stranki koje mogu narpavit i donijeti nesto novo. Male su i nitko ne zna za njih, al neznaju zato sto nitko ne zeli znat za njih. Svi vide samo HDZ i SDP i jos nekoliko ovih pri vrhu koje sluze da lizu guzicu ovima koji su na vlasti.nema tu ideala, ideja ili icega. Tko dobije izbor idi se cijenkat sa njim da dobije vecinu u saboru. bez obzira sta su mozda koji mjesec dana prije govorili sranja jedan protiv drugoga, vazno je da budu na vlasti ili uz vlast.nema lijevi,desni, srednji. Samo postoji novac koliko ce dobiti ako im se pridruze i kakve beneficije.

Drugi argument bude iskustvo. Da, iskustvo istina, sve ove stranke imaju iskustva. Za sta? Za politicke igre! Imaju iskustva u muljanju. Imaju iskustva u svim rupama zakona i imaju iskustva da ih ne briga da li na markovom trgu ima 1000 ili 10 000 ljudi u strajku. Imaju iskustva.
nama ne triba iskustvo, jel nas upravo to iskustvo ubija.
Trebaju nam novi ljudi na vrhu. Neiskusni. Necu rec neiskvareni, ali oni koji neznaju sve sta tribaju znati. Oni koji se zele pokazati i koji neznaju kako se izvuc ako ih gadi 1000 ljudi. takvi nam ljudi tribaju. A takvi ljudi nisu u ovim velikm strankama vec u onim malim strankama.

Triba u drzavi promjena, al ne triba nam ovakva kao na proslim izborima u kojem smo od jedne legalne korumpriane vlasti dobili drugu. Ne triba nam ove stranke koje se uvlacu ovima jel i takvi nemaju morala ni etike a ni nekakvog realnog znanja za pomak vec nam trinaju stranke koje su do jucer bili nepoznatica. Koje se boje naroda. koje ce napravit sve da budu kao ove prve. A svaka stvar koju ne budu radili ce se saznat jel nisu u krugu u kakvom se sada nalazu ove vodece stranke. To sta imaju ime drugacije ne znaci nista za malog covika. kad predsjednik jedne stranke opsuje drugoga, to ne briga malog covika, nas ne briga politicke igre. Zanima nas ono opipljivo. Ono realno. A to nitko ne daje vec se bave minornim pa mozemo slobodno rec djecim zavrzlamama.

Dokad ce se narod opametiti i skuziti da su oni krivi za ovo stanje a ne oni koji igraju igre. Kad ce skuziti da mora postojati granica ovih na vlasti i da za pravi pomak triba nesto novo, nesto riskantno i nepoznato. Nesto osim HDZ-a i SDP-a

nedjelja, 14. travnja 2013.

Post 100


Nikad nisan mislija da ce ovoliko gluposti izac iz moje glave.
Mogu rec da mi je ovih 100 postova pomoglo da ispraznim glavu i napisem sto mislim o stavarima koje mi se trenutno vrte u glavi.

Izrada bloga je bio puni pogodak. Postao mi je kao jedan veliki online dnevnik, i preporucujem svakome da prova nesto slicno. Nije bitan promet, ni komentari,  ni novac. Bitan je unutarnji mir.
Ako tko naleti na njega dobro naleti, nije razglsen, nema napornih oglasa, i ne govorim najblizim za njega. Moj kutak koji je otvoren za svakoga.

10.08.2011 je bio prvi post i provao sam napisati nesto barem jedanput tjedno, ili ti ga svako 8 dana. U vecini slucajeva se ima nesto za objavit i zna me uvatit neka pisacka inspiracija, pa se zna dogoditi da ima 4-5 postova koji cekaju. No ima i dana kada se otupi i nezna sta dalje. Vjerujem da cu i dalje drzat svoj razmak od 8 dana.

Sto nakon ovoga?
Mislim ici dalje i pisat sve, o svemu i svakome.
Mozda jos koji HOW TO, za informaticke amatere, ili jedan GUID za strance, a mozda odputujem negdi i vratim se sa dozivljajem. Sve kako me volja uvati.

I na pamet mi dodje da svoj blog prosirim iskustvima drugih ljudi. Ili pametnim tekstovima koje mogu prekopirati i smjestiti sve na jedno mjesto.

Ali kako god bude, osjecam da imam jos puno toga rec o svijetu kojem svi zivimo.

Malo i statistike o blogu koji nam omogucuje dragi nam Google:

Prikazi stranica prema preglednicima:
Internet Explorer
Mobile Safari

Prikazi stranica prema operacijskim sustavima:
Other Unix
Android 2.3.6

Prikazi stranica prema zemljama:
Bosna i Hercegovina
Sjedinjene Drzave
Velika Britanija

Najpopularniji postovi:


subota, 6. travnja 2013.

5 default things a smatphone should have

New smarphones are good but the development is going in the wrong direction. It's all about useless apps and state of the art hardware that is useless. Optimisation sucks, so today we have 2GB RAM memory and a quad core processor. WTF? Guys if you want a fucking computer, buy a laptop. I mean, what the fuck is wrong with the people.U need two hands to operate a new smartphone., and a bag to carry it!
And still some main characteristics are not implemented in it. I give you five things that we need and that are not so hard to implement, but no body doesnt want to.Whay? Well 'cuz they are to busy making angry birds and riping computer parts and puting them in a phone.

1. User accounts
We all know this from our REAL computers. Its an awesome thing if there are multiple users using the PC. It can be easily implemented in a phone but not for multiple users(there are none) but in a way of security. Every one had a situation where a friend asks for the phone. To see a picture or make a call. It's OK, but do you really want someone using your phone or watching pictures while you have some other pictures you don't want him to see? Is it to hard to add some fast guest button which will lock all predefined things like pictures,texts, videos or other options so when you give your phone you don't need to worry he will see something he doesn't need to see.Because some pictures won't be able to open.
-Friend: Can i see you pictures?
-You: Take phone, Unlock it, click Guest button
-You: Here you go.

So simple and usefull yet we don't have it

2. Tracking system
Phones are werry expensive. And phone theft is high. What does any phone have for protection? Nothing!
Dear Phone makers, we want some protection. Every new phone uses internet. One way or another. It's a vital part of every big ass smartphone. Why don't you give us an implemented tracking system?
A system that will, when activated( from the web) automatically search for the phone serial number(or security number if implemented). How? Well everytime a phone gets connected to the internet it will send it's "ID" to the predefined server. A small data frame containing it's ID(no big data). When the server gets it, it will check if the phone is announced missing. If NO, it will do nothing, if yes it will send a feedback. Once the phone recives it, it will add it's current location and will block itself. It may have some other features but a full phone block will be adequite. Nobody will want to "buy" a phone model that has this option from a thief. Phone theft will dramaticlly go down because its no use stealing something that can block if it connects to the internet. And a smartphone without a internet access is just bad investment.

3. SMS/CALL blocker
How many times have you been harassed on the phone? How many times did someone called you and you just don't want to answer, and they keep on calling, nad calling and calling...
How hard is it to make some blocking software and make it a part of an mobile OS?
You put a number or first 3-4 digits that you dont want to answer to, or even read a SMS from it and when a call comes from it, it will automaticly block and won't even ring. It would be awesome if we could block those Unknown numbers just because we can.

4. Message delay sender
Friend: Can you send me a message later to remind me of that thing?
You: No i can't because who is going to remember me?

Yea. Sending Emails or Messages at some point could be handy. Its basicly syncronising your alarm and messanger. Yes, i can put a reminder to send something but what if i'm busy later? What if i'm at the beach? This can be usefull on SMS or Email messaging.

5.Dual SIM
The last and probably the most usefull thing is Dual SIM cards. I mean WTF world? This thing should be a standard thing on every new model. They should make 2 models of each phone. One with one SIM and another with 2 SIM cards. Working people need to use two phones, one for work and another private phone. Why? What if you have 2 mobile providers?And half of your friends use 1 provider and the other a second one. I would like to have bargain calls, and i can't talk with a friend on the second provider if i don't want a big bill on the end of the month.This is am major thing. One phone,two SIM cards, it's out there but werry rare. And mostly Chinese phones( and we all know how that works).

We can probably get some of this sftware as an individual app. But these things should be a standard default thin on any smatphone. Please give us real improvements and not some redisigned shit that you call inovation.